Wander Woman
Wander Woman. I found these two words on a shirt at a flea market in Indiana this summer, and I had to buy it. Mentally, I could hear my husband laughing all the way in Alaska. I cannot count the number of times he has looked at me and said,...

Bonded by Love, Not by Blood (October 1)
So, amazingly enough, it is October; I thought it was still like the middle of September. So, yeah, this post is a little later than I wanted it to be. We are finally getting back into a routine, but it has been so hard to get to that point. When we left Bulgaria, I...

Bonded by Love, Not by Blood (September 13)
Three weeks. Three weeks after months of waiting. Who knew so much could happen in such a short amount of time? After months of looking at files, doing paperwork, sending letters, and waiting for answers, three weeks pass quicker than one would think. We didn't...

Bonded by Love, Not by Blood – (August 31)
Today marks our second full day in Bulgaria for our first trip, and let me tell you, it has been a heck of a ride trying to get here. As quite a few of you will know, last week was very emotional as we fought with the commanding general of Ft. Jackson to get Dad’s...

Bonded by Love, Not by Blood (August 18)
Waiting Waiting is hard. Whether you’re waiting for good news, bad news, something in the mail, or even what grade you got on a test, waiting is hard! Waiting for my brother, Matthias, to come home from China was hard. We were all so excited, and I was a little...
Let’s talk!
I have years of experience of coming alongside other parents on their QUEST.
Whether you need advice on curriculum, on planning, on structure, on discipline, on grading, on integrating subject areas, or any other homeschooling topic,
I am here to help. Learn more…
Lesson Plans
Do you use Mystery of History but would like to see how to plan it out with your other curriculum?
You will be able to see how I divided out the curriculum and what reading, writing, computer, and other activities I matched with that week of studies. Learn more…
Memory Sentences
The Canterbury Trail
Anglican Sunday School Lessons
A full, complete curriculum for use in Sunday School from age 3 – 6th grade.The goal is for each child to encounter the same lesson three times.
Each time the child will be taken deeper into the readings as is age appropriate. Learn more…