Do Your Numbers Break?

Do Your Numbers Break?

Uncategorized Do Your Numbers Break? It occurred again today. I was working with a group of kids and one of them stopped me for help with his math. The problem was: The student was stumped. He did not understand what the arrows were...
Oct 26, 2017 No Comments
Columbus Day

Columbus Day

Uncategorized Today was a good day. The kind of day where you sit down at the end, take a deep breath, and think, “Wow! That was easy for a Monday. Why can’t every Monday be like this?” Then you realize that it is a holiday. And...
Oct 26, 2017 No Comments
Wander Woman

Wander Woman

Uncategorized Wander Woman. I found these two words on a shirt at a flea market in Indiana this summer, and I had to buy it. Mentally, I could hear my husband laughing all the way in Alaska. I cannot count the number of times he has...
Oct 25, 2017 No Comments

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