
 Waiting is hard. Whether you’re waiting for good news, bad news, something in the mail, or even what grade you got on a test, waiting is hard! Waiting for my brother, Matthias, to come home from China was hard. We were all so excited, and I was a little nervous. Everything was about to change. I will be honest. At first, I wasn’t sure that I wanted another sibling. Changing our sibling dynamics was a big deal. But now? I can’t imagine my life without Matthias. 

As soon as my family knew about Matthias, we began preparing for his arrival. Preparing made the waiting easier. One of my favorite parts was clothes shopping for Matthias. I loved being able to shop for a little boy. 

My parents dropped us off at our cousin’s house while they went to get Matthias. It was hard waiting knowing they were in China already meeting him. While we waited, our aunt and uncle took us to fun places, we played games with our cousins, and we even got to go to a resort. My family made the waiting easier.  

When we finally met Matthias for the first time, it was very special. When we were all together it just felt right. While the waiting was hard, preparing for his arrival and spending time with family certainly made it easier. 


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