Bonded by Love, Not by Blood (October 1)

So, amazingly enough, it is October; I thought it was still like the middle of September. So, yeah, this post is a little later than I wanted it to be. We are finally getting back into a routine, but it has been so hard to get to that point. When we left Bulgaria, I...

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Bonded by Love, Not by Blood (September 13)

Three weeks.  Three weeks after months of waiting.  Who knew so much could happen in such a short amount of time? After months of looking at files, doing paperwork, sending letters, and waiting for answers, three weeks pass quicker than one would think. We didn't...

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Bonded by Love, Not by Blood – (August 31)

Today marks our second full day in Bulgaria for our first trip, and let me tell you, it has been a heck of a ride trying to get here. As quite a few of you will know, last week was very emotional as we fought with the commanding general of Ft. Jackson to get Dad’s...

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Bonded by Love, Not by Blood (August 18)

Waiting  Waiting is hard. Whether you’re waiting for good news, bad news, something in the mail, or even what grade you got on a test, waiting is hard! Waiting for my brother, Matthias, to come home from China was hard. We were all so excited, and I was a little...

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Bonded by Love, Not by Blood (August 6)

I have always been the middle child. Even before my brother was born, my parents say I acted like the middle child. It has always been a part of my identity. Then we decided to adopt and I realized that my wonderful world of oldest, middle, and youngest was going to...

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Bonded by Love, Not by Blood ( July 21)

I cannot believe that it has already been seven months since we started on this journey. I know that a lot has happened since we first made the decision to file our application, but it still feels like it was just yesterday. One of the first things I realized once we...

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Bonded by Love, Not by Blood (July 9)

When we first started the adoption process, we were looking at two different countries: Bulgaria and Columbia. I liked the idea of Columbia better because: 1) I liked the area better (South America has always fascinated me). 2) There were a couple sibling groups that...

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Bonded by Love, Not by Blood ( June 25)

Not long into our adoption journey, maybe about two months, we were looking at files and came across two teen girls. We debated between them and several other candidates for some time. My mom felt guilty because there were only two of them instead of the four in...

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Bonded by Love, Not by Blood (June 18)

One day, I got a text from Gabriella. She was asking me to help her start a blog helping teenagers with adoption resources. I thought it would be a super cool opportunity. I had already been through the adoption process when I was about twelve. I was too young at the...

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Bonded by Love, Not by Blood (June 11)

My sister, Gabriella, decided a little while ago to “do something” about the lack of adoption resources for biological teens. I was also surprised that there was nothing to help me and my siblings through the adoption. So, I decided to join her in those endeavours....

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