

Are you feeling called to an instructional QUEST but do not even know where to start?

Have you just begun your QUEST and find yourself swamped by all the choices out there?

Have you been on your QUEST for awhile but wonder what you could do to improve?

Is your QUEST overwhelming and sometimes you just want to know your experience is normal?

Let’s talk! I have years of experience of coming alongside other parents on their QUEST. Whether you need advice on curriculum, on planning, on structure, on discipline, on grading, on integrating subject areas, or any other homeschooling topic, I am here to help.

Every parent is unique. Every family is special. Every QUEST is an adventure.

During our initial phone call, I will take the time to listen and to learn your needs. From there, we can work together to develop a plan that is right for your QUEST. I am a firm believer in finding what works for you, the parent, because we all know that “if momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” (dads, too) Sometimes, that first phone call will be all that is needed. Others might need monthly, biweekly, or weekly, communication. Let’s develop a plan that works for you!

General Rates:*

Initial 1-hr. phone call $25

30 min. follow-up calls $20

60 min. follow-up calls $35

15 min. preparation block** $5

*Rates are subject to change at any time and for special circumstances.

**Preparation time amounts will be agreed to during a phone call. Not every situation will need preparation time. This amount is listed if you need me to research a particular curriculum, create a particular document (e.g. – high school course description), plan a class, or anything else outside of the normal scope of consultation.

Contact me, and we will arrange a time to talk! As I live where the Army currently says to live, it would be helpful if you let me know in which time zone you are located. I would like to avoid 5 a.m. phone calls for both our sakes! Once our consult appointment is set, you will need to submit payment. To protect my time, unpaid consultation appointments will not be held.

Free Chapter!


NOW WHAT? A Guide to Teaching Reading after Phonics

by Rachel Harrison

A guide to teaching reading in grades 2-8 which includes strategies, best practices, and practical activities.


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Rachel …

...a self-avowed "Wander Woman," homeschools her three children while traipsing the globe with her Army Chaplain husband. Her third greatest passion, falling below her love for God and family, is empowering other parents to teach their children.

Available Now on Amazon

NOW WHAT? A Guide to Teaching Reading after Phonics

by Rachel Harrison

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