Down The Canterbury Trail
We officially became Anglican in 2009 when my husband was ordained. Our journey down the Canterbury trail started long before that, though. For Will, the journey really began in seminary as he attended Regent College. He did not mention it to me, though, until the day I got a call from him while he was deployed to Afghanistan:
“I’m thinking about becoming an Anglican priest.”
“That’s nice, honey, but you aren’t allowed to make major life decisions while you’re deployed. We will talk when you get home.”
And talk we did. And prayed. And studied. And attended an Anglican church. And found ourselves Anglican.
It took longer to switch denominations because Chaplains require endorsers, and we were not simply going to change to a new church willy-nilly. When Will finally got ordained a priest, he was one of only a dozen or so in the ACNA. Now, over eight years later, the number of chaplains in the ACNA has swelled to over 150.
While serving as the assistant children’s director at St. George’s Anglican Church in Colorado Springs, I discovered a great lack of in-depth, Anglican, Sunday School curriculum. The rapid growth of Anglicanism in America has made the need for this kind of curriculum even greater. From the prompting of Will and the urging of other people whom I will not call out publicly, I began writing Sunday School lessons.
This curriculum is written based on the ACNA lectionary readings. It is intended to be a full and complete curriculum for use in Sunday School from age 3 through 6th grade. The goal is for each child to encounter the same lesson three times. Each time the child will be taken deeper into the readings as is age appropriate. Having a lectionary-based Sunday School curriculum will tie Sunday School together with Holy Communion, thus allowing children to participate at a deeper level of understanding with the rest of the body of Christ.
Each lesson will follow the same basic format:
Word of the Day
Lesson Summary
Prayer Time
In addition, a parent page is included with each lesson to connect church with home.
Each lesson costs $5. Each lesson purchase will also include a .pdf of the Teacher Notes that go with the curriculum. Your purchase will allow you to make as many copies as needed for your church, and you are welcome to save it to use again in three years. However, please respect my copyright and do not distribute it beyond your parish use. BUY NOW!
***Are you an Anglican 1000 church plant? Or a small parish working with a limited budget? CONTACT ME for special pricing!