Memory Sentences

Are you completely non-musical but wish to have simple songs to help your children remember key dates and information? Each year we write a memory sentence for each week of Mystery of History and sing it to the tune of “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.


Your purchase includes the list of all our memory sentences. If you need help singing it to the tune, I can send you a sample song. Just be warned, we fully support the concept of “making a joyful noise.”
If you are interested in trying this excellent history curriculum, check out: THE MYSTERY OF HISTORY   ( I have no affiliation-just highly recommend!)


Each year costs $4.  BUY NOW!


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NOW WHAT? A Guide to Teaching Reading after Phonics

by Rachel Harrison

A guide to teaching reading in grades 2-8 which includes strategies, best practices, and practical activities.


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Rachel …

...a self-avowed "Wander Woman," homeschools her three children while traipsing the globe with her Army Chaplain husband. Her third greatest passion, falling below her love for God and family, is empowering other parents to teach their children.

Available Now on Amazon

NOW WHAT? A Guide to Teaching Reading after Phonics

by Rachel Harrison

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