I hear it every summer. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I’m in a checkout line, the kids are driving me bonkers, and the cashier says, “Don’t worry. They will be back in school before you know it.”



not so helpful…

I’m the crazy lady who does this to herself all year long!

Then the first day of school comes. I don’t know about your neighborhood, but on the last few military posts we have lived on, the first day of the yellow school bus is party day. I watch out my window and on Facebook as moms all around me cheer and begin to party.

And I will admit it.

I sigh…

with RELIEF!

The kids and I are always so excited to see the school bus because it means life will return to normal. We can go to the store without hearing kids screaming. We can go to the park and actually reach the playground equipment. We can go to the library and find peace.

This year we started school early. We needed to be back in a routine. So like a good homeschool family, we ignored the local start date and did our own thing. Last week, as the neighborhood ladies set up a mimosa stand and took their first day of school photos, I loaded the kids in the van and took a trip to NYC.

We went to the Met. We went to the Natural History Museum. We went to Broadway. We sighed our way through the first week of September and found joy in being together. And you know what? I don’t regret being the crazy lady because these memories will last a lifetime.

So how do you celebrate the September sigh?


...a self-avowed "Wander Woman," homeschools her three children while traipsing the globe with her Army Chaplain husband. Her third greatest passion, falling below her love for God and family, is empowering other parents to teach their children.

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NOW WHAT? A Guide to Teaching Reading after Phonics

by Rachel Harrison

A guide to teaching reading in grades 2-8 which includes strategies, best practices, and practical activities.


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Rachel …

...a self-avowed "Wander Woman," homeschools her three children while traipsing the globe with her Army Chaplain husband. Her third greatest passion, falling below her love for God and family, is empowering other parents to teach their children.

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NOW WHAT? A Guide to Teaching Reading after Phonics

by Rachel Harrison

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